“The information provided in this website is for illustration purposes only. Only the insurance policy itself contains complete coverage information. For premium quotes, specific coverage options, products and services, please contact us.”

The number of changes in business during my lifetime are amazing.  And, perhaps the greatest changes have been brought about by one factor:  The increase in litigation!  As the information below, taken from a report written by Kenneth Jost in 1992, shows, the number of suits began its skyrocketing in the 1960s & ‘70s:

Litigation Explosion 1991.. America’s litigation explosion was not inevitable…. The trend proceeded gradually over decades and then quite suddenly moved into high gear in the late 1960s and 1970s, amid little real public debate. Taken together, the changes amount to a unique experiment in freeing the legal profession and the litigious impulse from age-old constraints….

It is pretty safe to assume that the trend has not reversed itself, and will not do so anytime soon. That’s why, if you find yourself in the position of “Director” or “Officer” in a company, you need to know and understand everything you can about YOUR DIRECTORS & OFFICERS INSURANCE COVERAGE.

“What we cannot assume,” Jim Bivona of Bivona Insurance Group, LLC, an Independent Insurance Agency that services the Phoenix Metro area regarding Insurance including Phoenix, Scottsdale, Glendale, and Peoria, Arizona to name just a few, shared somewhat solemnly, “is that because the business itself has Insurance Coverage that it will extend and provide adequate coverage for the individuals involved with the company as well.”

That, of course, is why the thought of acquiring DIRECTORS & OFFICERS INSURANCE COVERAGE cannot be taken lightly.  The issues that it provides protection for includes, but is not limited to:

  • Fraud
  • Lack of Corporate Governance
  • Failure to comply with Workplace Laws
  • Misrepresentation of Company Assets
  • Theft of Intellectual and Poaching of Competitor’s Customers

“Though it may never be an issue,” Bivona added, “it is important to know that illegal acts or illegal profits are generally not covered under D & O Insurance.”

As you can see, understanding DIRECTORS & OFFICERS INSURANCE COVERAGE certainly is not something you want to ignore if you ARE, in fact, intent on making sure your Company Directors and Officers are adequately and completely protected!  As a result, you should contact Jim Bivona at 623-256-1000 with any questions, and he will be happy to discuss this concept with you in greater detail, and suggest some ways you may be able to improve your Business Coverage. 

To learn more about the BIVONA INSURANCE GROUP, LLC go to

(To learn more about this issue, check out “DIRECTROR & OFFICER INSURANCE”)