“The information provided in this website is for illustration purposes only. Only the insurance policy itself contains complete coverage information. For premium quotes, specific coverage options, products and services, please contact us.”


   I heard an interesting comment the other day, and it brought to mind a story told me a number of years ago.  What I heard was, “With technology as advanced as it is today, it is virtually impossible for an astute businessman to do anything that will jeopardize their business.”  The story I refer to goes like this:

           Modern Aeronautics has finally brought us to a point where Artificial Intelligence can solely man the cockpit of a jetliner. In fact, recently a Trans-Atlantic Flight touted the fact that there would be no human pilots on board.  Dignitaries and Jet-Setters alike scrambled to get seats on this historic flight, and eventually they had been given clearance for take-off and were air-borne.  As they relaxed with their first round of martinis, a smooth, gentle voice came over the intercom and greeted them:  “Good Morning ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to Tech Air’s first unmanned Trans-Atlantic Flight.  I would just like to assure you that every precaution has been taken to ensure your safety, and absolutely nothing can go wrong — go wrong — go wrong …”

As Robert Burns so adroitly advised in 1785, “The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry…,” and, as a result, the truly astute businessman is acutely aware of COMMON INSURANCE MISTAKES AND YOUR PHOENIX, ARIZONA BUSINESS INSURANCE.

“Such an astute businessman ,” Jim Bivona of Bivona Insurance Group, LLC, an Independent Insurance Agency that services the Phoenix Metro area regarding Insurance including Phoenix, Scottsdale, Glendale, and Peoria Arizona to name just a few, offered with a great deal of sincerity in his voice, “realizes that they are experts in their field, and not in the realm of Insurance.  That’s why they put their trust in a qualified Insurance Broker to ensure that they don’t make one of today’s top five Insurance mistakes.”

While there are, obviously, additional mistakes that could be made, the five Bivona  refers to are:

  • Under-Insured Property – Though self-explanatory in nature, what a successful, busy entrepreneur often forgets to take into consideration is that their properties appreciate in value over the course of time, and, if policies aren’t updated regularly to reflect these increases in value, loss of such a property can be totally devastating.
  •  Incorrect Locations or Insureds – It is vitally important that all policies are kept “up to date” regarding property additions and even current ownership – – of both the company and the property!
  • “Under” Liability Coverage – While adequate coverage was reflected when a Policy was issued a decade ago, the current economy might prove it to be woefully inadequate.
  • The Lack of Business Continuation Insurance – This can take several forms, but the goal is always the same – to allow your business to survive during disastrous times.
  •  Inappropriate Deductibles – Either too high or too low, this is an issue that can cost you money at one time or another!

As you can see, being aware of COMMON INSURANCE MISTAKES AND YOUR PHOENIX, ARIZONA BUSINESS INSURANCE certainly is not something you want to ignore if you ARE, in fact intent on making sure your Business Insurance is adequate and complete!  As a result, you should contact Jim Bivona at 623-256-1000 with any questions, and he will be happy to discuss this concept with you in greater detail, and suggest some ways you may be able to improve your Auto Coverage.


To learn more about the BIVONA INSURANCE GROUP, LLC go to


(To learn more about this issue, research “OFTEN MADE BUSINESS INS. MISTAKES ”)