“The information provided in this website is for illustration purposes only. Only the insurance policy itself contains complete coverage information. For premium quotes, specific coverage options, products and services, please contact us.”


   Some people may wonder what the standards for “Small Business” really are.  While it can vary from country to country, numbers used in the US show us that a small business is any business less than 250 employees.  Now, all of my entrepreneurial career I would have thought that if my business were to grow to 250 employees it would be gargantuan in nature!  My businesses would have been actually classified as “Minute/Miniscule,” as my staff fell into the “1-6” category.  However, if your company falls into either of these categories, you need to find out about YOUR GLENDALE, AZ SMALL BUSINESS & WHY YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT WORKMEN’S COMPENSATION.

“There are,” Jim Bivona of Bivona Insurance Group, LLC, an Independent Insurance Agency that serves the Phoenix Metro area regarding Insurance including Phoenix, Scottsdale, Glendale, and Peoria, Arizona to name just a few, shared somewhat reflectively, “aspects of certain issues that we think we are well grounded in that we may never have heard of, or at the very least, thought about in a long time.  This is as true with Workman’s Comp as anything else!”

One of the more interesting aspects of this topic is what is known as Common-Law Remedies.  What this does is impose certain obligations to create a workplace conducive to “No Harm Zones” by an employer.  This would include, but not necessarily be limited to:

  • Provide a Safe Workplace
  • Provide & Enforce Safe Work Rules
  • Provide Safe Tools
  • Provide Adequate Co-Worker Assistance: Fit & Properly Trained
  • Provide Warnings of Prospective Danger

When an employer does adhere to these stipulations, they are provided with a fair amount of protection from accountability with three separate defenses:

  • Assumption of Risk: Employer can be held harmless to the extent that the injured employee voluntarily accepted the risks involved with completing the task.
  • Fellow Servant Doctrine: Employer can be held harmless to the extent that the injury was caused in whole, or in part, by a peer of the Injured Worker.
  • Contributory Negligence: Employer can be held harmless to the extent that Injured Worker failed to use adequate precautions required by ordinary prudence.

As you can see, understanding YOUR GLENDALE, AZ SMALL BUSINESS & WHY YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT WORKMEN’S COMPENSATION certainly is not something you want to ignore if you ARE, in fact, intent on making sure your Company and Employees are adequately and completely protected!  As a result, you should contact Jim Bivona at 623-256-1000 with any questions, and he will be happy to discuss this concept with you in greater detail, and suggest some ways you may be able to improve your Business Coverage.

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