“The information provided in this website is for illustration purposes only. Only the insurance policy itself contains complete coverage information. For premium quotes, specific coverage options, products and services, please contact us.”

“Do you promise to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God?”  One would expect to be asked that if they were called to the witness stand in a court of law.  However, that would seem a little extreme if that was asked of you in your Insurance Broker’s Office!  Yet, clients either neglecting to tell the truth, or forgetting to tell ALL the truth, has a negative impact on both that client and the Insurance Industry as a whole!  As a result, you need to be as well informed as possible when it comes to BEING COMPLETELY HONEST AND YOUR PHOENIX, ARIZONA AUTO INSURANCE.

“As impossible as it may be to believe,” Jim Bivona of Bivona Insurance Group, LLC, an Independent Insurance Agency that services the Phoenix Metro area regarding Insurance including Phoenix, Scottsdale, Glendale, and Peoria Arizona to name just a few, offered with a great deal of incredulity in his voice, “misinformation cost the Automobile Insurance Industry $29 BILLION in 2016!  And that,” he continued with a huge sigh, “means that we all ‘pay the price’ for those verbal indiscretions.”

There are, as would be expected, several specific areas where this misinformation manifests itself.  These include, but are not necessarily limited to:

  • Driver Identification – As surprising as this may seem, people occasionally do such things as provide a Driver’s License number that actually belongs to someone else!
  • The Car’s Drivers – Often households neglect to list all the family members who drive the insured vehicle.
  • Traffic Violations and Accidents – In this day of “connected computers” you can rest assured that it won’t be long before “your sins will find you out!”
  • How the Car is used – Remember, vehicles used for business need different Insurance Coverage.
  • Annual Mileage – Since we all typically estimate the number of miles we will drive, a change in job or routine can alter these estimates in the course of a year.As you can see, being aware of BEING COMPLETELY HONEST AND YOUR PHOENIX, ARIZONA AUTO INSURANCE certainly is not something you want to ignore if you ARE, in fact planning on purchasing or renewing Auto Insturance! As a result, you should contact Jim Bivona at 623-256-1000 with any questions, and he will be happy to discuss this concept with you in greater detail, and suggest some ways you may be able to improve your Auto Coverage.To learn more about the BIVONA INSURANCE GROUP, LLC go to learn more about this issue, research “AUTO INSURANCE & GIVING INACCURATE INFORMATION”)
  • “What often is not realized,” Bivona added, “is that if someone is caught in a deliberate lie their insurance company could refuse to pay for any particular claim.”